Finally, Introducing The Home Study Storytelling Speakshop®!

In Your Next Presentation,
Tell Stories That Rock...
(Even If You Think You Don't Have Any Good Stories)

Sally StrackbeinDo you sometimes feel like you aren't making the impact you know you could when you speak?

If you're not making as much money as you should from your speaking, or not getting the evaluations you dreamed of, it may just take the addition of a couple of simple stories to change everything!

    There is scientific proof that adding stories to your presentations will make your message more persuasive and memorable.

A few speakers are memorable. I can hear their words in my mind years after I heard their speech. More often, I cannot remember what I heard an hour later. I listen to many speakers at luncheons, conferences and networking events. Occasionally, I hear some really good ones, but most aren't. So, I wonder—do they have a clue how boring and forgettable they are? Harsh, but true. It doesn't have to be that way, because I know they have great stories inside that would have made their presentation rock.

    I’ve been coaxing stories out of my clients for over 10 years. Many said, “I don’t have any stories.” And I still have not met a person who didn’t have a great story.

I have always loved stories. I remember going to the library when I was in elementary school. The books just seemed to jump into my hands and say, “Take me home. Read me.” So I did. But stories without a point are just entertainment. For over 10 years, I’ve helped people discover their stories and find the meaning in their stories. You have stories that others can learn and benefit from—stories that will make your presentations memorable and persuasive.


    Left QuoteBefore Sally, my presentations were good—always packed with valuable content. But now they're even better because I add stories.

    Susan Kousek. Speaker, Professional OrganizerMy audience say they relate to the stories and this makes it easier for them to remember the points I make. My speaking fees have increased and I get more speaking engagements.Right Quote


    Susan Kousek,
    Speaker, Professional Organizer


At a recent event, the speaker opened his presentation with a promise that he would speak for 20 minutes and follow with 40 minutes of discussion. He rambled on for an hour spewing fact after fact until his time was up. No stories. No examples. No discussion. As I looked around the room, most of the people were either nodding off or checking their smart phones. His topic was interesting and he was clearly an expert, but he was unengaging and boring.

    It’s hard to find the meaning in information/data delivered without examples and stories.

What are those speakers thinking??!! They spend lots of money and time on their brochures, their outfits, graphics for their slides and they neglect the one thing that's most important to a presentation: the presentation itself. It makes me sad to know how much time and effort they spent creating their presentation without getting the great results they cold have achieved.

    A few relevant stories and examples make all the difference. Stories bring meaning and context to important facts.

When you tell stories that have no point, you are only entertaining, at best. When you deliver only facts, you are boring—and forgettable.

Do you know what else makes me sad? It's when speaking and presentation skills coaches and trainers say that if you stand up straight, keep your hands out of your pockets, don't use your hands like a fig leaf, gesture, smile, use the right body language and don't say “um” you will be a good speaker.

It's true, good gestures, body language and lack of ‘ums” helps, but nothing you learn about how to stand or how to not say “um” will help you when your presentation is boring.

    Words matter. Stories matter.

In fact, most presentation skills programs don't teach how to be interesting, emotionally compelling, or how to really connect with your audience—the very things powerful speakers who get paid the big bucks know.

Most speaking and presentation skills books and coaches say that you should tell stories. They’re right. The problem is that they don’t know how to find stories or help you discover your stories.

    Unfortunately, most people don't know what stories to tell and how to tell them. 

It’s pretty easy to find and tell good stories (if you have the right story discovery method and know how to build your story.)

I learned about the power of stories back in my techie days. Yes, I’m a recovering techie. I designed software for a software company and gave presentations to generate interest in buying both my software and the computers it ran on. Have you ever heard someone give a presentation on software? Pretty boring. So I told stories. It worked. After my presentations, people mobbed me and ignored the other speakers.

Ray StrackbeinMy husband, Ray, has been speaking professionally since he was a radio announcer / DJ as a teenager. For over 20 years since then, he has supported himself as a professional trainer.

When I first met him, he showed me an evaluation that said, “Great stories.” In his most recent five-full-day class, one person wrote, “Ray was exceptional to say the least; he kept me engaged from start to finish.” That is Ray's secret to keeping his listeners engaged and learning all day for a full work week: great stories!

    Ray and I would like to help. You'll discover our secret and powerful technique to uncover your own great stories.

Get started now. Take our Storytelling Workshop at home

Our Storytelling Speakshop® is the only program of its kind that begins with story discovery, so you discover your own compelling stories and learn how to tell stories like a professional. Our Storytelling Speakshop teaches the best tips and techniques for you to build powerful stories. Just think... your next presentation could be your biggest hit yet!


    Have you been wanting to add storytelling to your speaking... but it's been impossible for you to make it to our Speakshop?

Finally... You don't have to come to Virginia, take a full day or more away from your life and spend a ton of money. Because we can help only a limited number of people in each of our in-person Speakshops, and we want you to get the benefit of our work, we are now offering you a way to be an at-home participant at whatever time and location is most convenient for you! We recorded 2 live Speakshop storytelling workshops with actual participants discovering and telling their stories and getting live storytelling coaching. Now you can have the benefit of the storytelling workshop for a fraction of the cost, without the travel and scheduling commitment.


    Left QuoteStorytelling is a craft that demands one thing above all… having a good story. And you have many good stories.

    Jim Cathcart, CPAEIt's true, you do and so do all of us. The trouble is most of us never discover our own Defining Story.

    Sally & Ray Strackbein have truly mastered this craft and specialized in an area that has tremendous value to you: helping you discover Your Defining Story. This Speakshop is an actual workshop captured in a way that allows you to feel as a live participant even from home. I encourage you to join in and discover your story.Right Quote

          Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE
          Past President, National Speakers Association
          Cavett Award recipient
          Golden Gavel Award recipient
          Author of 16 books


Get started now. Take our Storytelling Workshop at home

More comments about Sally...

    Left QuoteSally's greatest gift - certainly the one she gave me - is pulling out my authentic stories and helping me build the courage to share them. She helped me see the gift I give the world when I release my fear and share about my life.

    Misti BurmeisterI command higher fees because my audience can relate to my stories. This helps them understand how to put my ideas into action.”Right Quote


    Misti Burmeister
    Speaker, Author, Leadership Consultant


    Left QuoteI have used what I've learned from Sally to engage my workshop participants in a much deeper way than ever imagined. I swear that she is really an angel who has come to help guide me through this portion of my life's journey. If you need to tell your story, there is none better than Sally to help you uncover the deeper meaning we all carry around inside us.Right Quote

              Myron J. Radio
              President, The R-Group LLC


    Left QuoteEven as an experienced speaker your program provided a fresh approach for ensuring that as a speaker my presentations come from the heart and given in a manner and method to reach any audience powerfully and with meaning.Right Quote

    Cynthia de Lorenzi
    Cynthia de Lorenzi
    Diva, Success in the City



Who benefits from creating powerful stories?

  • Professional speakers... so you get new material, more bookings and higher fees
  • Aspiring speakers... so you cut years off your learning curve
  • Trainers... so you make your training come alive
  • Sales professionals... so you create more interest and make more sales
  • Toastmasters®... so you accelerate your speaking progress
  • Business people who speak... so you get more prospects
  • Thought Leaders and Experts... so people remember your information
  • Coaches... so you attract and help more people
  • Authors... so you sell more books
  • Anyone who wants to improve their life by becoming a better communicator... so you connect at a much deeper level

Here are just a few of the many things you will take away from this real storytelling workshop:

  • A way to dig deep into your experience and bring out your best stories... so that all your presentations are memorable
  • How to tap into emotions that make people remember and act... because emotion is persuasive
  • How to decide which stories to tell... to maximize your impact
  • A simple structure to use to build your stories... to remove the guesswork
  • How to use your stories to make your points stick... so your audience remembers your facts as well as your stories
  • The brain science behind storytelling in presentations... so you understand what details every story needs to have to be powerful
  • How and why to be your authentic self when you speak... because people trust you more when you are real
  • How telling your personal stories can build your confidence... because telling about your own experience is easier than memorizing
  • The keys attaching facts and stories... so you meet the needs of meeting planners and audiences
  • The kind of funny story to tell... so your audience will love you
  • What story never to tell... so you won’t be embarrassed
  • The secret way to tell stories... so they are easy to remember

Here's what you'll get...

The Home Study Storytelling Speakshop
(download right now for instant access)

8 mp3 recordings—over 4 hours of audio compiled from the best of 2 live workshops

    #1 “Introduction to Storytelling Speakshop”

      You learn the 5 Steps to Story Building, the science of story and the brain, and you learn how to get the most out of the Home Study Storytelling Speakshop.

    #2 “Story Discovery 1”

      Get right into the workshop. You are a virtual participant in a recorded workshop. You join our participants as they begin to discover and tell their stories. As you participate, you will be inspired to discover your own stories.

    #3 “Story Discovery 2”

      The workshop continues as the participants go deeper into their experiences and tell longer stories. They get feedback to improve their stories and how to use them for maximum results. You discover even more significant stories as you listen and follow the workshop instructions. 

    #4 “The Power of Story”

      You get all kinds of tips on the many kinds of stories to tell and exactly when and how to tell them.

    #5 “Story Discovery 3”

      More of the story discovery process... You get yet more inspiration, retrieving your own stories as you join our participants uncovering even more stories.

    #6 “Story Discovery 4”

      As you listen to the participants tell stories and get feedback, you get a deeper sense of how to use your stories to make important points. You learn how to punch up stories by adding or leaving out details. 

    #7 “How to Build Your Story”

      You learn the secret of taking a germ of a story and fine tune it using our worksheets in your own personal copy of our Speakshop manual.

    #8 “It’s a Wrap”

      You hear the questions participants ask as well as the answers they get. This recording is packed with speaking and storytelling gems.

    Storytelling Speakshop Manual/Workbook (pdf)

      This companion workbook is a treasure chest of ideas, worksheets and lists, as well as sample stories.

Don’t get this if you’re not serious!

We have a proven track of coaxing stories out of people that they never would have dredged up by themselves. But this is not going to happen for you if you just listen while you are driving, or don't even listen at all. Don't buy this if you aren't going to do the work.

You'll have a good time listening to the sample stories, and you will get your best return on your investment when you participate in the workshop just like you were there in person.


    Left QuoteI love the work I've done in the past with Sally Strackbein and the new Defining Story Storytelling Speakshop Home Study program she and her husband Ray have developed exceeded my high expectations. Sally and Ray deliver over 4 1/2 hours of learning to help you find your story using speeches delivered by participants in a recent live workshop. The feedback they give provides an exceptional experience that listeners can use to find their stories, refine them, and improve their storytelling.

    Kevin Decker, Speaker AuthorI highly recommend this program to new and experienced speakers who are looking to craft speeches that deliver more impact, inspire more emotional connection, and are memorable for their listeners.Right Quote


    Kevin Decker
    Speaker, Author, Relationship Expert


Special Bonus
(So you'd be nuts to wait)

     30-minute one-on-one phone consultation with Sally

    You'll probably want some feedback for yourself like you will hear on the recordings. So, order right now, and you will get a free consultation that's worth at least the price of your copy of the Home Study Storytelling Speakshop. I recommend that you go through this workshop before taking advantage of this consultation so you get maximum benefit. Just call 703.262.0361 to schedule your consultation. This bonus will not be available forever. I only have a limited amount of time...

Guarantee CertificationNo Risk Guarantee
(for 90 days)

    If you give this system a good try and don't like it, I will give you 100% of your money back.

Click here right now to take advantage of our low, low introductory price of only $197.    Order Now

Get started now. Take our Storytelling Workshop at home

Don’t wait until later to order if you are interested. This could be very valuable information for you and this introductory offer will not be available in the near future.


Sally Strackbein
President, Defining Story

PS: This introductory offer will not last long. We are making this exceptional offer so we can get the buzz going.


copyright © Sally and Ray Strackbein